Sunday 20 July 2014

Snapshot Muse # 23 - Himmel, Erde, Luft und Meer

This has been the longest time that I haven't posted anything on here, since I started this blog, I believe. And here I was planning on doing a Snapshot Muse every week. Yes, 'the best laid plans of mice and men go oft astray'. I've been busy with a whole lot of other things lately: school stuff, (I know, some days it seemed summer holidays haven't begun.) August conference related work, kitchen..... so social media sat on the back burner. Anyway, I'll use my Sunday afternoon siesta to jot down a few lines.

I love our stretching-for-miles prairie skies!! They're constantly changing and always beautiful, even in storms. I took this picture coming home from Winnipeg one day. Looking at it later, I thought, "Well, a few more lines, a treble clef, words and we'd have a song in the sky." Someone should write a song, or maybe there is one already and I just don't know about it. 'Prairie Skies' would make a lovely song title.

Many times, when I start working on these Snapshot Muse posts, I don't know which song I'll go with, and I always like to wait to see what will cross my mind as I write. The first song that came to me today, was written by, Joachim Neander (1650-1680), and is one that Hutterites have been singing for many years - it's all about praising God in nature.

Himmel, Erde, Luft und Meer
zeugen von des Schöpfers Ehr;
meine Seele, singe du,
bring auch jetzt dein Lob herzu.

2. Seht das große Sonnenlicht,
wie es durch die Wolken bricht;
auch der Mond, der Sterne Pracht
jauchzen Gott bei stiller Nacht.

3. Seht, wie Gott der Erde Ball
hat gezieret überall.
Wälder, Felder, jedes Tier,
zeigen Gottes Finger hier.

4. Seht, wie fliegt der Vögel Schar
in den Lüften Paar bei Paar.
Blitz und Donner, Hagel, Wind,
seines Willens Diener sind.

5. Seht der Wasserwellen Lauf,
wie sie steigen ab und auf;
von der Quelle bis zum Meer
rauschen sie des Schöpfers Ehr.

6. Ach mein Gott, wie wunderbar
stellst Du Dich der Seele dar!
Drücke stets in meinen Sinn,
was Du bist und was ich bin.

Prairie skies always make me think of peace and eternity and quiet time with God, especially when I'm walking by myself. There's just something special about walking alone: it's like you notice every blade of grass swaying in the breeze and every wispy cloud floating overhead. Things you usually miss when you're with another person and talking the whole time. Thus, I was reminded of another fitting song, which our choir used to sing years ago: 'My God and I go in the Field Together:

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